Satasha Thompson

Sunday, September 6, 2009


OK, remember back when I said I didn’t get into running to race, and "I don’t want to run a marathon…" Well, somewhere between one friend’s challenge, another friend tricking me* into a 7 mile run, and Runner’s World issue, I find myself (Chris included) signed up for and (here’s the surprising part:) looking forward to a half-marathon this fall. I’m still not sure if I’m crazy, stupid, or actually enjoying it. As with all running, it isn’t until I stop running, stretch, and shower that I realize that running is not the most idiotic thing I’ve ever dreamed of doing. So, I’ll let you know my conclusion of the half-marathon somewhere around Thanksgiving. Either way, I’ll be thankful for the holiday. I’ll be thankful that it’s over or thankful that I’ve done it.

*"tricking me" means I forgot my watch and was reliant on my multi-marathon running buddy to give me mileage. We were so busy chatting that I forgot to check the mileage part. Some would argue it wasn’t so much a trick as fate.

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