Satasha Thompson

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back in school

Who would have thought that, more than a dozen years after finishing school (the second time), I would be back at it?

This time, I’m testing out the community college scene. It’s hard to say if the curriculum is less challenging at this community college than at a university, but it certainly feels a lot easier. Maybe that’s because it is easier, or maybe it’s because I’m more grown up. (Lower your eyebrow. “More grown up” does not mean “grown up”!)

So, if you’ve been wondering why these postings have been few and far between…thank you for your loyalty to my little musings. It's because, as the old saying goes, “cobbler’s children have no shoes”.

I’m enjoying school. I got started in this as a way to delve into something I’ve been curious about for a long time, and maybe as a way to meet new people in a new place. So far, I’ve learned a lot about web design…
